An Interim Network Design for Small Organizations
Seidl, Andrew
Issue Date
Alternative Title
This paper describes work I did over the summer of 1998 at Kalamazoo College in
Kalamazoo, Michigan. I worked for the school's experiential education department, the
L. Lee Stryker Center, designing a simple, low-cost network to replace their previous
network implementation. This document describes the situation in which I worked, the
steps I took to evaluate the requirements for the new network, the design choices I made,
the steps I took to implement the network, and the application I feel my design has to the
networking world at large.
I wrote this primarily for my successor at the Stryker Center, and for any others who
might fin themselves in a situation similar to mine and could have interest in a similar
design. Because of this, I have included extensive descriptions of my work environment
and the processes I used both in designing and implementing the network. I did this both
to put the design in the context to which it is relevant and as an aid to those who might
want to put together a similar setup. After all, the process of implementation and the
difficulties that might arise along the way are just as important as the overall design to the
final success of any project. The results of my particular project have been very
gratifying, and it is my wish to contribute in any way I can to the work of those who are
doing similar work in similar environments.
35 p.
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