Object-Oriented Programming: Basic Concepts
Barnum, Mark
Issue Date
Alternative Title
Object-oriented design and object-oriented programming are deemed
by some the salvation of the programming world. With the
complexity of hardware increases vastly diminishing the increases
in complexity of software, this salvation promises highly reusable
code. Among other advantages, this would eliminate "recreating the
wheel" each time a program is written, making great time savings
for programmers. Object-oriented programming environments have
been around for since the early 1960's, but have only lately become
an influence on the software development community.
My work at I/NET Incorporated of Kalamazoo, Michigan these past
three months allowed me to explore an object-oriented environment
named Actor. I/NET purchased the product in order to ascertain
whether object-oriented design and programming could increase their
software productivity. My job was to program an in-house piece of
software in the Microsoft Windows environment.
My experience with object-oriented programming, design, and the
concepts associated with each was limited to several magazine
articles before I started at I/NET. I feel comfortable enough now
with the concepts of object-oriented programming that I know that
returning to structured or procedural programming would be a return
to the wheel. This paper is designed to influence people the way I
have been influenced: try object-oriented programming. you may not
want to come back. The discussion places heavy emphasis on the
object-oriented concepts and benefits.
iv, 41 p.
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