Management Ethics: Moral Issues in Organizational Structures
Barnikel, Luise M.
Issue Date
Alternative Title
In a world in which profits have become more important than the people who
generate the profits, an acute need for ethical guidance in organizational behavior has
arisen. Today, this need is especially apparent because of the many changes stemming
from globalization and technological innovations. Business practices have taken a turn in
the wrong direction, as exemplified by many recent ethical scandals such as The Enron
Corporation and WorldCom, Inc. These instances show that management often fails to
provide moral leadership - a failure that needs to be addressed immediately. This paper
offers discussion of some simple moral base rules, and shows how informed managers
can apply them (at least theoretically) to their organizational structures. By giving an
overview that spans from motivation over decision-making to loyalty, this paper argues
that good management must connect with its employees in order to foster the next
generation of professionals who understand that good and profitable business practices
treat humans as an end, not as a means. These conclusions lead us to believe that if
managers can lead by example and provide the right incentives for their personnel to
follow, then globalization, capitalism and technology can all become useful tools for
advancing both humans and the economy - and not simply a temptation to act unethically
for one's own benefit.
iii, 61 p.
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