An Analysis of New Geographic Markets and Projected Location Development Alternatives for Lake Michigan Mailers, Incorporated

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Rhoa, David C., 1968-

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Research Projects

Organizational Units

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This paper is divided into two divisions. This first division concerns the cost relationship between the U.S. Postal Service and the presort industry. The second is an analysis of Lake Michigan Mailers, Inc. and the feasibility of its expansion into new geographic markets. The findings of both divisions are presented respectively below. DIVISION I: * The USPS has experienced years of massive cost growth. This growth has been witnessed primarily in the labor sector. * The costs of the presort sector are substantially lower than counter-part costs in the USPS. * The USPS is promoting an automation plan to be completed by 1995. This automation plan will reduce overall USPS costs significantly. This plan calls for the bar coding of all mail To accomplish this goal, the USPS is dependent on greater participation of the presort sector in the processing of mail. expected to offer monetary incentives to the presort sector to encourage increased bar coding participation. * The relationship shared between the USPS and the presort sector is expected to change in the years to come. The role of the presort sector will become more significant with regards to mail processing as automation of the Postal System becomes a reality. DIVISION II: * Lake Michigan Mailers, Inc. {LMMI) has experienced substantial growth in sales over the past two fiscal years. This growth has developed, primarily, as a result of increased mail and package volume. * Transportation, rent and labor expenditures, as a percent of sales, are considered low by LMMI management and accounting standards. * The average retail client is a woman, age 36 to 55. The majority of clients live within a fifteen statute mile radius. The sign on the building and word of mouth are the most common forms of introducing LMMI services. * The largest percentage of mail piece transaction volume is claimed by the "Financial Institutions" category. * Niles, Michigan is the best choice for a new branch location given the Community Selection Criteria supplied by LMMI management. * For the short run (six months to a year), it is recommended that the servicing of the Niles location be handled through the Saint Joseph location. This plan is the most cost effective and is in line with the conservative expansion history of LMMI.


vi, 158 p.




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