Literature Review : Understanding the Process and Implications of Blood Donations
Henney, Connor L.
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In today's world, blood donation centers have stringent rules for deferring individuals trying to donate blood. With a myriad of rules for donor eligibility, such as age, weight, and life history, only a select few are even qualified to begin the medical screening process. Before being screened, the donor must arrive with a valid ID, typically containing a photo so the donation center can verify the donor's identity. While being screened, employees check for their vitals and hemoglobin levels. In the case of some donation types, a medical professional checks protein levels and completes a physical examination to ensure health. If a donor has made it through all of these screening steps, they can move on to their donation, typically a whole blood, plasma, or platelet donation. These blood products are then processed, stored, and saved, usually for a transfusion or made into an immunotherapeutic medication. Although donation recipients greatly benefit from blood donations, centers typically have incentives for donors as well. Donor rewards come with the various risks that arise with donating, which begins to limit the pool of individuals who decide to give blood. In addition, demographic trends in the donor pool show which groups are more likely to donate, as well as groups that are unable to donate as a result of the donor eligibility policies. Some policies in place for donating blood may hinder the diversity of the donor pool and blood supply. Changing these policies and directly targeting groups of people as potential donors can improve our blood supply and save lives.
21 p.
Kalamazoo, Mich. : Kalamazoo College
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