Kalamazoo College - ICRPs - Sénégal - Dakar

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This collection contains student intercultural research projects during their study abroad in Sénégal.


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    "Success" and the Senegalese Spectacle
    (1996) Haynes, Candida Victoria; Thioub, I.
    This paper will explore the role of conscious and unconscious efforts to preserve culture in Senegalese society. What might make certain spectacles work? What might hinder others' success? What is considered successful in the spectacles' respective contexts? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to understand the sense in which I am using the word, "spectacle." Normally, the word means "something to be seen." But as I will show, one cannot justly describe the Senegalese spectacle as the object of a passive observation. The Senegalese spectacle, no matter where it is placed on the modernity scale does not cater to mere spectators. There is usually an interactive element, a momentum, which when misdirected, can lead to the failure of the production. Thus, a spectacle, for my purposes, is an interactive production. It may include ceremonies, concerts, plays, or anything else that summons an audience.
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    ICRP: Socio-cultural Habits; Comparison of Village and Urban Youth
    (1996-05-26) Terrell, Monica
    It is necessary to explain the history of the comportment and education of the older generation who are responsible for the youth of today. This is the generation that passed their transformed ideas to their children who have further evolved them. In the case of one village, Mbuleme, the transformation of ideas began with the installation of an elementry school in 1960. The first students of this French structured elementary school are the founders of the changement of values, attitude, and culture within the village. It is this generation that are now the father and mothers of the young adults of Mbuleme. With the school, cultivation of the land diminuated, along with the drought being the main factor. Because of the drought of the early 70's which lasted two years, every able bodied man left the village to find work entering the city and thus changing the socio-cultural organization of the village.
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    Observations of a Toubob at Abass Ndao Hospital
    (1996) Shoher, Angela
    The director of the hospital asked me this question after I had been working at the hospital for a few weeks. At the time, I did not answer as I could not pinpoint one specific thing that made the entire experience so incredible. The director said he was sure I would agree with him when he told me the answer to his question. Finally, after I stammered for a few minutes looking for the right words to explain one of the wonders of the world, he said to me, « The most shocking thing is that something so large passes through an opening so small». I laughed in spite of myself after hearing this relatively simple answer not because he was wrong, but because he was right.
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    La Sante Reproductive des Adolescents: Une Journee de Information
    (1996) Beachy, Elizabeth D.; Thomson, M. Robert
    Avant même d'arriver à Dakar j'avais decidé que je voulais profiter de mon sejour dans cette capitale Oueste-Africaine pour établir des contactes avec les Nations Unies et ses nombreuses divisions qui se trouvent à Dakar. J'étais persuadée qu'un stage avec une faction des Nations Unies allait m'offrir l'occasion parfaite d'approfondir ma connaissance des NU comme une institution mondiale, tout en étudiant sa structure, ses programmes, et le degrée de contacte que ses membres avaient avec leurs populations cibles. Je savais que je voulais travailler dans le domaine de la femme, mais plus précisement je n'avais pas de conditions pour le stage que je desirais.
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    Senegal Program
    Thynne, Angus
    My project started as an attempt to better understand the workings of an academic system that I thought didn't work very well. This was based on my observations made at the University Chiekh Anta Diop, which seemed to me an extremely difficult environment and system with in which to work. As a result, I wanted to survey the academic system from pre-school through university, analyzing what kind of students Dakar was trying to produce, and see maybe where it was going wrong. But, the draw back to this proposal was that it was too encompassing a study to really understand in this short a time period. So what I decided to do was to find a school where I could observe classes and see what it is like to grow up in the Senegalese school system.
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