Information Services Articles, Presentations, and Posters

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Articles, presentations, and posters by Information Services staff



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    Effective Grant Writing: A Preconference Workshop for the Michigan Archival Association
    (2017-06-14) Nowicki, Stacy, 1973-
    Workshop for the Michigan Archival Association, June 14, 2017.
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    NEH Preservation Grants at Kalamazoo College
    (2013-06-20) Nowicki, Stacy, 1973-
    Presentation for the Annual Conference hosted by the Michigan Archival Association at Weber's, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on June 20, 2013. Stacy Nowicki (Library Director, Kalamazoo College) presented on the four National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions for which Kalamazoo College has applied, and four tips on writing these grants.
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    NEH Preservation Grants at Kalamazoo College
    (2012-11-14) Nowicki, Stacy, 1973-
    Presentation for the Collection, Digitization, and Preservation Workshop hosted by the Michigan Collections Network at the Library of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan, on November 14, 2012. Stacy Nowicki (Library Director, Kalamazoo College) presented on the two National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions that Kalamazoo College has received, and four tips on writing these grants.
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    DSpace at Kalamazoo College
    (2011-06-16) Nowicki, Stacy, 1973-
    This presentation was part of the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges (CLAC) annual meeting in at Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, Michigan on June 16, 2011. It is an overview of CACHE, the Kalamazoo College institutional repository, and was given by Stacy Nowicki, Library Director. This presentation was given in pecha kucha format (also called 20x20 format), which limits the presenter to 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide.
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    DSpace at Kalamazoo College
    (2011-03-18) Nowicki, Stacy, 1973-
    This presentation was part of the Michigan Academic Library Council (MALC) spring meeting in at Davenport University in Grand Rapids, Michigan on March 18, 2011. It is an overview of CACHE, the Kalamazoo College institutional repository, and was given by Stacy Nowicki, Library Director.
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